Education: The Micron announcement of thousands of jobs for our area means our kids need to be prepared for these jobs or others will move here to take them. There is a teacher and school personnel shortage so I supported setting aside an additional $400 million for Kindergarten through High School education in September. In fact 9% inflation means that salaries will have to increase that much just to keep even. Personnel costs are around 85% of the K-12 expense, and to attract and retain the best, they must be paid so they can afford to live here.
My kids attended Monroe, South Junior High, Borah High School and Idaho universities. I became familiar with the challenges and opportunities in our schools. I led a group “Neighborhood Schools Work” that successfully kept Monroe School open when the district tried to demolish it in 2005. Neighborhood schools help parental participation, attract parents with children to a neighborhood, facilitate walking to school, and give kids more of an identity. I worked for new schools at Whitney and Grace Jordan and fought against the policy that demolished historic Franklin School.
In 2018 I co-sponsored HB 665 which allows law enforcement to investigate and prosecute those who threaten violence against our children and schools. I spoke at the Governor’s Signing Ceremony saying Idaho is part of the 21st Century, like it or not and we have to deal with these threats before then can be carried out by perpetrators.
As a finance committee member and legislator I have consistently supported state help for school buildings so that our property taxes are less, and reasonable support for achievement testing.
In the past I Bench school reinvestment for years– especially when several schools had school roof leaks. In 1994, the State PTA gave me an “Outstanding Service Award.” In 2006, I was appointed to the Boise Districts School Facilities Steering Committee. I helped organize a legislative rally that spring saying on Channel 7 KTVB “We need this school bond in order to have a quality neighborhood and a quality city we can be proud of.”

“John Gannon walks the walk for our schools. His efforts helped prevent a closure of Monroe, and he worked hard for the school bond. I want my children to have the best education. I know John will work hard for that.” Kristy Marks Monroe, South, Borah (’06) and U of I (‘1